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New Concept Development

Written by Astronist Institution

Edited by the Journal of the Institution

Last updated: JAN. 14, 2020

New Concept Development, abbreviated as NCD, is both a belief orientation and an Institutional function within Astronism reflected as a department within the Astronist Institution.

This department of New Concept Development involves the acceptance of submissions from people all around the world who have written proposals including their justifications for the inclusion of new terms, concepts, beliefs, and theories to undergo the process of officialisation so that they may be recognised as a part of Astronism.

Unique to The Institution is it Diversity of Thought policy which maintains that any person, whether scholarly or otherwise, can submit their conceptual proposal for consideration.

Forms of Astronism

With the establishment of the New Concept Development department, people from all across the world are constantly sending the New Concept Development team proposals for officialisation into Astronism.

With this introduction of new beliefs and terms into Astronism, the Astronist scholarship community developed a series of terms to categorise the beliefs within Astronism according to the time period in which they were officialised into Astronism.

  • Urastronism –– the beliefs and terms of Astronism that originated from the writings and teachings of Cometan and particularly those which developed during the first twenty years of Astronism's history.
  • Exoastronism –– the beliefs and terms that have been officialised into Astronism through the department of New Concept Development, especially those of non-Cometanic origin.
  • Intrastronism –– the beliefs and terms that are officialised into Astronism after the first twenty years of Astronism's history through the department of New Concept Development and that originate from Astronist scholarship, or from Cometan himself.
  • Post-Cometanism –– the beliefs and terms that are officialised into Astronism after the death of Cometan.

Keywords and linked resources

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Astronism by country


Key components

Main beliefs

Main practices

Ethics and lifestyle


Classification and history

Forms of Astronism

Other elements

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This article was written by a working staff member with editorial powers within the Astronist Institution. The accuracy, validity and integrity of the contents of this article is supervised by working members of the Journal of the Institution which is the academic journal appointed responsibilities of scholarship for the discipline of study to which the subject of this article is associated.

To learn more about the Journal of the Institution, click here.

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Existences of the Astronic cosmology

Astronist practices

 Governance of Astronism

Figures of Astronism

Disciplines of Astronism

Canon of Astronism

Main Astronist concepts and beliefs

Part of a series on


Devotional (Devotology)

General forms

Cosmic Devotion · Mutual devotion · Cosmomancy · Astrolatry · Astromancy


Specific forms

Retination · Stardance · Starsleeping · 

Astrophotography · Astronomical commemoration

Physical and mental

Astration · Astromeditation · Cosmopiry

Revelatory, intellectual and philosophic

Personal inspiration · Indrucy · Astrologue

 · Debatation


Extollatory (Extollogy)
Extollation · Celestification · Cometanisation


Activities (Occurrology)





Intosy · Panosy

Public, sopharial or phrontisterial

Astronomy tourism · Cosmogosy · Phrontistas 

· Starball · Philosophic tourism · Sempition · 

Orreration · Holographic show

Festivals and events
Starlight Festival (Stellara · Kintana · The Starlight Council) · Starlight social · Astrofair · Astroprom 

· Stargazing · Starguild · Starparty · Theatrosy


Either individual, private or public

Astronomical observation · Astrocrafts · 

Astroexercise · Starbathing · Moonbathing · 

Stardown · Starjam · Starnight · Starwalk · 

Sungrazing · Philosophers' camp


Related terms


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Forms of Astronism

Geography of Astronism

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